Our Missions

  • Informing the mind and healing the heart to raise the awareness of our personal patterns, blocks, and programming so we may free ourselves in living a life of optimal health, happiness, and peace. 

  • Expanding the scope of who yoga reaches.

Inspired life believes there is a need to expand the power of yoga and healing arts beyond the yoga community. We focus on yoga for those who do not already have a regular practice.

There are many businesses that cater to the “yogi”, and we celebrate those businesses! At the same time, we believe that there is a much larger scope of the population who will benefit from the ancient, traditional practices of yoga and healing arts.

For those of you who have yet to discover the endless ways yoga is a catalyst for positive change, growth, and wellness…we are here for you.

Our approach to yoga is not what you find in a popular yoga studio. With the understanding that westernized yoga is primarily geared to a smaller percentage of those who practice yoga regularly, our instruction, in group and personalized sessions are tailored to fit the needs and goals of any body with a deep desire for personal growth and development.

yoga teacher, healer, mystic, yoga instructor

Considering the physical and energy body, I work with somatic movement, yoga and other ancient healing arts such as Qi Gong and Jin Shin Jyutsu, integrating metaphysical principles and philosophies into the meditative practice on your mat.

With recently completing my Bachelor of Divinity, which I have been studying for over almost five years, I also offer different Margas, or paths, of inquiry that are geared toward disciplines and discoveries beyond our bodies.  

Summer teaches the art of self-care on the mat. Trained in Traditional Yoga, her classes are rooted in the principles of alignment, awareness, and healing. The overarching tone of her style is slow-paced and concentrated, encouraging students to give themselves what is needed in any given moment in each posture. Summer is known for her powers of perception and intuition, along with her ability to guide students through an experience that is somewhat magical, through the several layers of being in this human form: physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual. Her personal experience with the transformational quality of discovering and rediscovering herself through the practice of yoga and self-care has been the fire and fuel for her passion in teaching yoga and healing arts.

Summer Estrella, Founder of Inspired Life